UC Browser Is Back In Play Store! Here’s Why It Was Taken Down
Recently we have seen popular mobile web browser, UC Browser has mysteriously disappeared from Google Play Store. UC Browser app is now available on Google Play Store. However, this time the app was available with an updated settings at par with Google’s policy.
UC Browser Is Back In Play Store! Here’s Why It Was Taken Down
Whenever we talk about the mobile web
browser, Google Chrome, Opera Mini, UC Browser could be our first
choice. However, recently we have seen popular mobile web browser, UC
Browser has mysteriously disappeared from Google Play Store.
Ross who works with UC Browser had shared a tweet in which he mentioned
the reason why the app was taken down from Google Play Store. He
twitted “I work for UC Browser, I got mail today morning it said that UC
Browser was temporarily removed from play store for 30 days because it
used “Misleading” and “Unhealthy” methods of promotion to increase
After the removal, it’s
said that UC browser will be back to Google Play Store within 7 days.
And that’s exactly what had happened. UC Browser app is now available on
Google Play Store. However, this time the app was available with an
updated settings at par with Google’s policy.
Web explains the exact reason why it was taken down from Google Play
Store. UC Web explained “The exact reason for UC Browser’s
unavailability on Google Play is because of a certain setting of UC
Browser that was not in line with Google’s policy. The reason for the
removal has nothing to do with alleged data security breach or malicious
Young Li,
Head-International Business Department at Alibaba Mobile Business Group
said “During the brief absence of UC Browser on Play Store, we continued
to meticulously check our technical settings while also witnessing an
uninterrupted passion of our users for the product, who looked upon the
alternative version, UC Browser Mini, and made it to the top of ‘Free
Apps’ category on the Play Store”
So, what do you think about this? Share your views in the comment box below.