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Dating app helping couples cheat on each other

The popular dating app Tinder, which is supposed to help people form new relationships, is increasingly helping youngsters cheat on their romantic partners, a study claims.

However, the app also makes it easier to catch cheaters, researchers said. Scientists from the Texas Tech University in the US showed that a significant number of college students are using Tinder to meet what they called ‘extradyadic partners’ — that is, a partner outside of and in addition to the partner in a committed, romantic relationship.

“A couple of years ago, one of my students shared the story that she had come across a friend’s boyfriend on Tinder, and she was not sure whether she should tell her friend,” said Dana Weiser, an assistant professor at Texas Tech. “So, although Tinder may make it easy to meet potential partners, the potential for exposure may be high,” Weiser said.

Among the 550 students who participated in the study, 12.5% had spent time with someone they met on Tinder, 17.1% had messaged someone on Tinder, 8.9% had been physically intimate and 7.2% reported having sexual relations with someone they met on Tinder while in an exclusive relationship.

“We know infidelity is quite common among college-aged adults as they grow and learn about relationships, not to mention there is quite a bit of opportunity,” Weiser said. “Our results suggest Tinder may be one way college students meet extradyadic partners,” he said.

Ironically, although the numbers show college students are using Tinder to find partners outside their relationships, many s said they were not sure Tinder was a good way to do so.
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